New Slot Machines for August 2018

New Slot Sites UK 2023

Hello it’s Monday and I thought i’d pop my head in for a round up of casino and slots news for August 2018. I can’t believe I am writing another blog today and i’m sitting in this sweltering heat in the UK – I really thought that the heatwave would peeter out by now, but alas- it’s here in force! That fan I was going to buy a few weeks back would have been a great idea after all – but I really did think it was a passing thing: how lucky we are to have had a Mediterranean summer! New BBQ Bought? Check! New outdoor “al fresco” dining table bought – check!

x3Wild Netent’s new “Swipe & Roll Slot” – Recommended!

But what I wanted to cover today wasn’t weather or the summer – it was because I got back into playing online slots this week after a break I…

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